Hey, I’m Joanne Bourgault and

I love to copy you.


 Not in the irritating way that made you want to punch your little brother when you were kids.

And not in a Single White Female way, either.

As a conversion copywriter, it’s my job to make everything I write for you sound like you (and hopefully even better), while also helping you have the most successful launch you possibly can.


It’s heartbreaking to me when online entrepreneurs hesitate to outsource their copy because writers they hired in the past couldn’t capture their voice.

They end up writing their own copy for way longer than they should, instead of freeing up time for their Zone of Genius work.

As a result, their business grows more slowly than it could.

And I get it. I really do.

No one wants to pay good money for copy they think they’ll end up having to rewrite themselves anyway.

That’s exactly why I created the Brand Voice Intensive.


Let me explain...

My mission is to help women grow their businesses so they have the financial flexibility to live life on their own terms.

The best way I can do that is by helping women take ownership of their brand voices, so they can outsource with confidence and spend more time within their Zone of Genius.

As a Copyhackers-trained conversion copywriter, I believe in the power of voice of customer research and I love helping you join the conversation going on inside your ideal client’s head.

Combine my copy training and my natural analytical skills (I’m an INTJ and a former accountant) and you get someone who’s stellar at identifying what makes your copy sound like you and using that knowledge to help you get copy that nails your voice and boosts your conversions.


You didn’t ask, but I’m going to share.

» When I met my husband at age 18, I intended to keep it casual and date a lot more guys because I’d just broken up with my high school boyfriend of 3 years. But then we fell in love and have been married for over 23 years. I still think my husband is pretty f*cking great.

» Dinner music at my place isn’t for ambience - it’s to moderate my rage. I can’t stand the sound of people chewing. 

» I love Disney World. Especially the churros and the Kiss Goodnight. Their fireworks make me cry every single time.

» There’s video out there of me singing My Shot from Hamilton, and I don’t have a great singing voice. Pretty sure it’s not on the internet, but you never know.

» I’m a dentist (but taking leave). Before that, I was an accountant. Long story short: I’m dedicated to creating a life I love that features meaningful work I enjoy, and that’s led to a few career changes.

Want a stand-out brand voice?


Get the Brand Personality Decoder so you can uncover what makes your brand unique and lean into your distinct voice.
